The machine is intended for a hot stamping of single-row (Car) and two-row (Moto) of registration signs of vehicles.
The device for a fast, exact and uniform covering of the stamped font of registration tables by an eco-friendly method with use of a thermotransfer film. The machine gives the chance of a covering of the stamped signs the painting films of different flowers. The entered technical solutions reduce the use of the electric power by 30%. Thanks to that the two-row DT-ECO machine is the most economic machine available in the market today.
Launch of the machine is carried out by the Main Switch. After connection to a power supply system the hot stamping drum is rotated. Two other switches serve for programming of the regulator made by customer service. The correctness of a hot stamping depends on the corresponding temperature of a drum. For the correct covering of tables of registration plates the film requires that surfaces of the tables intended for a hot stamping were clean, fat-free, and their temperature has to be not below 20 °C. At correctly established pressing of a drum signs of the table completely become covered and have the corresponding width, flanges of the table have uniform outlines, and during a hot stamping there is no gluing in not stamped places.